My name is Brandon Thomas, and I am an alcoholic. I came to the Healing Place on June 30, 2020.
Let me tell you a little bit about my life before I entered The Healing Place. I was brought up to be a respectful, hardworking man. I had a mom who loved me and wanted me to succeed in life, but I had a disease and didn’t even know it.
I started drinking at the age of 16. I feel in love with my first drink because It changed the way I felt about myself and that drink let me become someone I truly wanted to be. It gave me courage, self-confidence, a no care attitude. I loved it for a while until the drink became my master. I couldn’t do anything without it, and slowly over time it wasn’t enough for me. That’s when I started using harder drugs – cocaine, pills, and the one that affected me the most, crack. The last six months of my life, I locked myself in my house selling everything I owned to chase the next fix. I only left to go to work. My family has always been close, but I started to miss family events. I hated the man I had become, and I was trying to kill myself with alcohol and drugs.
A week before I came to The Healing Place, I had a moment of clarity and asked my aunt for help. She said yes, but unfortunately, I thought I could get sober by myself. I could not and in less than a week I was using again.
On June 30, 2020, I called my aunt again and asked her to take me to The Healing Place. She couldn’t, but my cousin did. Thank God for that.
During my time at The Healing Place, I got to learn what was wrong with me – I’m an alcoholic. At The Healing Place, I was surrounded by people who could love me when I couldn’t love myself. I learned how to apply a new set of principles and morals to my life. It’s an amazing feeling to wake up and know that everyone around you only wants to see you get better and become the person you are supposed to be.
The Healing Place has given me a life I never could have dreamed of. When I got here, all I wanted to do was get sober and be happy again. I got that and so much more! I’m now the peer mentor supervisor. During my time in the peer mentor office, I have had the opportunity to work on myself while still being in a safe place. I am working on how to balance my life with recovery and practice these principles in all my affairs. I am so grateful to The Healing Place for everything it has taught me. Before I came here, I knew how to live life drunk and high. The Healing Place taught me how to live sober.
I am so proud of you Brandon. Stay strong. You have a good life ahead of you.
I love you so much and am beyond proud of you!!
Master Thomas,
I am so glad that you seen the problems in your life and took responsibility for your actions. I truly hope that it is all behind you now and you are set on the path of recovery. Just remember to be patient and when you feel like you are losing control that you ask for help. You know that I and the rest of your HMA family are behind you. Be sure to make your amends to all you could have possibly wronged in your journey to this point in your life and remove that burden from your heart and mind.
So proud of you Brandon. You are a blessing to all that know you!
I am so proud of you and have always looked up to you! You’re the best cousin and role model 🤍🤍🤍
I am very touched by your story. Hits very close to home for me. My brother to was an an alcoholic and at some point for him it also became not enough and started using drugs such as meth heroin and God knows what else. He attempted several times to get help and I have even took him to places to get help but the drugs would always win. Unfortunately this time last year he lost his battle and the drugs took his life. I know we haven’t seen each other or spoken in years but I am so very proud of you keep up the good work and if you ever need anyone to speak to I would be happy to be that person.
You are an amazing man and I am proud to call you a brother. Love ya
I am so very proud of you . You have far exceeded all expectations you had of yourself and beat your addiction . I too am a recovering alcoholic and I know the struggles of recovery . Christopher is currently trying to get into recovery if the judge approves it at his court trial . Always push forward and continue to imbrace your mistakes and use them to grow . I have been sober now for almost 11 years and can honestly say I am happy and content . Congratulations on your success in recovery .
I love you ny dude! Keep up the work! You are an amazing person, friend and brother!
I’m so proud of you Brandon!!
I’m so proud of you!! It takes a lot of strength and courage to reach out for help when dealing with an addiction. Continue to stay true to yourself, your
program and the Man upstairs. You have some many of us here to cheer and support you each and every step your recovery. Thank you for all you did to help my kids when they struggled as teens!!! It meant so much to me and them. They still talk about you and how much you helped them. You will always have a special place in our hearts. Remember with Love, Hope and Courage ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
Congratulations on your recovery Brandon. My brother struggled with addiction and it finally won. He attempted recovery several times, but wasn’t able to overcome it. It’s truly a family disease, so keep up the good work and good luck to you.
Brandon – thank you for hosting my visit today & sharing your story.
As I mentioned today, I lost my little girl/Daughter to opioids.
Interacting with you today and hearing your story is inspirational & sincerely helps easy my pain and fill a huge hole in my heart.
You are a special person.
Our Lord is blessing you so that you can continue your recovery & help others.
God bless you.