Since I’ve been in recovery, I have found a new way to live. I have learned that drugs and alcohol were only a symptom of my actual problem. It was the way I was seeing the world that was keeping me sick. Practicing spiritual principles has become invaluable to me. Honesty, open mindedness, and willingness are essential to my new way of life. These principles have allowed me to see the world in a whole new light with a serenity that before recovery, I could never have dreamed of. I now believe that the main thing that will keep me from the truth, is to think that I already have it!
I struggled with an opioid addiction for many years. It started with prescription painkillers that I slowly began to abuse but as my addiction progressed, I moved to street drugs. I tried every way that I knew to overcome my problems, to no avail. Through concerned friends and family I heard about The Healing Place. When I had finally been “beat into a state of reasonableness” I made the decision to seek help.
The Healing Place saved me from myself. It introduced me to Alcoholics Anonymous for my drug and alcohol addiction, as well as a safe, loving, and structured environment to help me with self-discipline and everyday living responsibilities that had fallen by the wayside during the years of my active addiction. For me, those things in tandem were pivotal in my recovery process. Showing up at The Healing Place was the best decision I have ever made.
Since I’ve been in recovery, I have peace of mind that allows me to go to sleep with a clear mind and wake up happy. I don’t have to keep up with all my lies. My momma doesn’t lose sleep over me.
The Healing Place, as they say, was the last house on the block for me. I had nowhere else to go or anyone to turn to. I had burned every bridge and hurt everyone that cared about me. I wanted help. The Healing Place loved me until I learned to love myself. They showed me life could be good and I could be happy. I now work full-time for The Healing Place’s campus in Campbellsville, I have healthy relationships, and I am trustworthy today. I am eternally grateful for The Healing Place. The Healing Place saved my life!
Since I’ve been in recovery, I have been able to grow into the woman that I was always intended to be. I am able to continue with my recovery while furthering my education, staying on track with my career, and bringing value to my community. The most important thing I have accomplished since beginning my journey into long-term recovery is that I am now a mother to my two daughters. I am present and consistent in their lives and in the lives of my family.
The Department of Corrections brought me to The Healing Place’s Women’s Campus in 2012. I couldn’t stay out of jail and even landing behind bars began to be a relief at times. I remember exactly how I felt the day I walked in the door at 15th and Hill. I was in tears because I knew, good or bad, that my life was never going to be the same… and it wasn’t.
I believe that The Healing Place gives everyone who comes into this program their own individual gifts. The greatest gift I received was my integrity. I never knew what that word really meant until my time at The Healing Place. I am able to be honest and stand for what I believe is right or good in the world without bending or breaking to please others. I get to walk in the sunlight of the spirit and be a reflection of that light so that others may find their way too.
Since I’ve been in recovery, I have grown up. I was 26 when I came to The Healing Place and I didn’t have a lot of life skills. I wasn’t employable, teachable, or responsible. Before The Healing Place I had flashes of these attributes but it wasn’t something that I based my life on.
I came to The Healing Place when I had nowhere else to go. I lived in Virginia so I was 500 miles away from home and everything I had was in a half of a duffle bag. I didn’t know where my next meal or bed was going to come from. I had been living on the streets for two weeks. The Healing Place was truly the last house on the block.
The Healing Place taught me a new way to live and made me the man I am today. I’m now able to be a son, grandson, employee, friend, and coworker. I have also been blessed to become a father. My daughter doesn’t ever have to know the man I was before I came to The Healing Place.
Since I’ve been in recovery I have witnessed many things I never believed possible, but the most miraculous thing I have experienced is true peace within myself. I stopped fighting and the war with my own thoughts has come to an end.
Desperation, exhaustion, escape, fear, God, and I am still not entirely sure brought me to The Healing Place at 10th and Market in January 2014. My drinking career started at 11, but my alcoholism started way before that. Raised by a loving family with good morals and ethics, I was taught that if you want anything in life you have to earn it, and that if you are ever in the position to help someone, do it. With the guidance of my parents and the gifts I was given from God I found there was not much I couldn’t do. Then I discovered alcohol. I spent the next 29 years trying to make myself feel as good as I did when I first started drinking and abusing drugs. This lead to high school expulsions, jails, prisons, treatment centers, therapists, and sticking a needle in my arm many times a day while drowning my problems with a half-gallon of cheap vodka then easing it off with some Xanax. I had ruined everything I love and put my family through hell. I destroyed everything I ever believed in and did not know why. I woke up every day and ended everyday asking God to end it. During one of my many self-detoxes, my mom came in and said that she spoke to someone on Facebook who said that I should look into a place in Louisville called The Healing Place. After another failed attempt by myself, I found my way there. While I was sitting in detox, I knew there was something special about this place. I felt like I was going to be okay.
Besides saving my life, The Healing Place gave me a place to sit still and listen. I learned what was wrong with me and how to work on me. I was introduced to a 12-Step program that, if worked honestly, can teach you more than I can ever explain. I now have a driver’s license after being told for 20 years that I would never get it back. I am a full-time college student after being expelled from two high schools 20 plus years ago. After being diagnosed with Hepatitis C 12 years ago, I no longer have any signs of it in my body. I have a job that I have never been late for in three years. My family no longer loses sleep because of me. They are no longer being dragged through hell because I no longer live there.
The most precious gift I have been given since coming to The Healing Place is the gift of serenity and the gift of true peace within myself. I wake up every morning and thank God for my life instead of asking Him to take it away.
I am no longer ashamed of who I am.